I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been reading or commenting my blog. I really am trying to convey the happenings of this experience for everyone to enjoy, it's certainly been amazing living it, I hope it comes through in the pictures and the writing.
Looking west from a cantalievered platform over the Vltava River towards the Charles Bridge, Lesser Town, and Prague Castle.

Taken from the same platform, looking back towards the east at a small portion of the Old Town riverfront.

Standing on the Charles Bridge, looking northwest towards Lesser Town and Prague Castle.

The Certovka Canal is located on the western end of the Charles Bridge. The canal runs north to south and forms a small island on the western bank of the Vltava; the island is visible to the left.
Looking at the part of the Certovka Canal to the north of the Charles Bridge.
On the western bank of the Vltava River looking east across the southern side of the Charles Bridge, towards Old Town.
On the western bank of the Vltava River looking east across the northern side of the Charles Bridge, towards Old Town.

Thanks again for reading.
Is that the sun today? It certainly is pretty in the sunshine.
ReplyDeleteI for one, feel like I know everything you are going through and experiencing. Great writing and you have a knack for conveying the atmostphere and awe of being there.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why I am following you twice??
Mrs Patton here...
ReplyDeleteI want to let you know how much we have been enjoying your blog. You are doing a great job of letting us know what it's like to be in that marvelous city. I love your photos, descriptions of your outings, and am terribly jealous of you. One request, I want to see a picture of these huge meals you've been getting, they sound amazing.
Oh, Devon thinks you are drinking a lot of beer. :)